Campaign: An Empire Destroyed

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Author tony
Missions in latest version 12 (5 building, 7 fighting)
Date uploaded 2023-10-29
Total downloads 149


Fight as a kingdom that is on the edge of destruction, do you have what it takes to overcome the challenges and restore peace to the continent? The first chapter will consist out of 12 missions which will be expanded over time. Huge thanks to shadaoe and randomlyrics for the dynamic scripts, without them this campaign would not be here.

Made by dicsoupcan


Type Number Size Detail
1 144x144 (L) Detail
2 112x112 (M) Detail
3 160x160 (L) Detail
4 128x128 (M) Detail
5 128x128 (M) Detail
6 144x144 (L) Detail
7 96x96 (M) Detail
8 144x160 (L) Detail
9 96x112 (M) Detail
10 112x208 (L) Detail
11 96x80 (M) Detail
12 112x112 (M) Detail

Campaign map

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Date Version Missions Stats Actions
2023-10-29 12 (5 , 7 ) 149 Download