Campaign: For King and Country

Download latest version (for r15122+)

Basic info

Author dirty abdul
Missions in latest version 14 (8 building, 6 fighting)
Date uploaded 2023-12-16
Total downloads 354


The continent that this campaign takes place in. Hundreds of years ago, it was once unified as a single country known as Engluh,but after Engluhah died (the queen who unified it) the many governors fought each other to gain supremacy over each other, which led to the downfall of Engluh, and the rise of many new countries, including Munising.

The campaign was made by Ben Kamper for the old Knights and Merchants.
I have revised all missions so that you can also play them in the remake. (more or less)

All missions are winnable, I just didn't test missions 13 and 14.

If these are too difficult please report on Discord :D

In the campaign folder there is more background information overall and about the missions.


Type Number Size Detail
1 96x80 (M) Detail
2 96x80 (M) Detail
3 64x48 (S) Detail
4 112x112 (M) Detail
5 96x96 (M) Detail
6 80x80 (S) Detail
7 128x96 (M) Detail
8 64x80 (S) Detail
9 112x112 (M) Detail
10 128x144 (L) Detail
11 112x112 (M) Detail
12 80x80 (S) Detail
13 96x144 (M) Detail
14 128x144 (L) Detail

Campaign map

Click to open in new window.


Date Version Missions Stats Actions
2023-12-16 V3 14 (8 , 6 ) 354 Download (for r15122+)