Campaign: The Barbarian King

Download latest version (for r12945+)

Basic info

Author Strangelove
Missions in latest version 13 (10 building, 3 fighting)
Date uploaded 2022-05-11
Total downloads 601


Defend your Kingdom against the Barbarian King's Berserkers!

The Campaign features 13 custom designed Maps. Almost all maps use dynamic script to make the AI feel more alive or give the maps a more unique play style and feel!
If you run into any trouble or notice any bugs related to balance, design or gameplay, please pm me on discord: Strangelove#1825.

Special thanks goes to Vas for his idea of turning Soliders into Barbarians, which make this campaign possible.
Shoutout to DDDestroyer for helping me with the Story and King Dyron for designing a temporary worldmap.

Campaign by Strangelove


Type Number Size Detail
1 192x192 (XL) Detail
2 80x128 (M) Detail
3 80x128 (M) Detail
4 160x176 (L) Detail
5 96x128 (M) Detail
6 112x112 (M) Detail
7 128x160 (L) Detail
8 144x144 (L) Detail
9 112x64 (M) Detail
10 160x128 (L) Detail
11 96x80 (M) Detail
12 144x128 (L) Detail
13 128x144 (L) Detail

Campaign map

Click to open in new window.


Date Version Missions Stats Actions
2023-04-11 v0.9.9.1 (11.04.2023) 13 (10 , 3 ) 361 Download (for r12945+)
2023-03-16 0.9.9d 13 (10 , 3 ) 33 Download (for r12945+)
2022-05-11 0.9.9c (25.04.2022) 13 (10 , 3 ) 207 Download (for r12945+)