Map: A Baron of Thirst

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Basic info

Type Building map
MP Coop
Author Snow
Players 3
Size 256 × 128 (XL)
Date uploaded 2024-08-18 by
Total downloads 80
Short description Save the people, be the hero.


Baron Roderick von Bradwust demanded extra tribute from the drunkards in the north. Unable to meet the desired tribute the Baron demanded control over the town but the drunkard passants disposed of the Barons envoy quite effectivly. The Baron, beligerent as he is, had send a second envoy bearing the message the drunkards have 2 hours to flee their village and surrender the secrets of the vineyards, or meet their maker. The Baron doesn't know yet of our presence, the King had hired us to clear out some bandits in the area, but the drunkards are now pleading for our help. With some riders dispatched to the King we await further commands, in the meantime we should focus on clearing out these bandits.



Date Version Stats Actions
2024-08-18 1.0 80 Download (for r15122+)