Map: Approaching Darkness

Download latest version (for r15122+)

Basic info

Type Building map
Author DontTalk
Players 1
Size 164 × 211 (XL)
Date uploaded 2023-03-29 by DontTalk
Total downloads 157
Short description A Mission by DontTalk


Northern reaches of the kingdom were never a calm region. After many brutal wars with many principalites the border defences are left in dire need of repairs. To rub salt into the wound, new leader emerged among the princes in the north who united the rivaling prinicipalites. Our spies have discovered that his next move after the unification is a campaign against us, which is said to begin when ice covers Verberg river which lies at the border. Our only chance to stop the invasion is to rebuild destroyed fortress which long stood in those lands and stop their advance before it begins. Work fast as ice sheet on the river grows bigger every day, we cannot allow ourselfs to waste a single second.

Difficulty Rating: *

Map uses Strangelove's improved AI script.



Date Version Stats Actions
2024-12-14 1.2 Ambience Patch 19 Download (for r15122+)
2023-03-29 1.1 Script Bug Fix 117 Download (for r14787+)
2023-03-29 1.0 Original Setup 6 Download (for r14787+)