Map: Furious Warriors

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Basic info

Type Building map
MP Special
Players 8
Size 160 × 96 (M)
Date uploaded 2021-05-19
Total downloads 52
Short description


Furious Warriors
-selling incomplete house returns 100% cost
-pig farm/stables cost increased to 380/280
-stables spawn slightly more scouts
-if your house been destroyed by enemy returns 50% gold

-Refund Time returns 100% price of sold houses in first 60 sec
-tower regen lowered to 4/sec
-warriors hunger lvl increased
-tower guards cooldown increased to 240 secs
-ranged damage vs tower significantly increased
-max elite increased to 14
-elite kill need mod scaling with players count
-optimization/better performance
-passage bug fixed
-bug fixes

-tower stone cooldown increased by 1 sec
-AI warriors defending their barracks!
-AI warriors works better (ranged and melee)
-ranged damage against houses increased
-stables and pig farm income decreased by 6
-pig farm delivery cooldown increased by 5 secs
-pig farm cost rise from 300 to 340
-AI uses black magic(vine)
-AI uses bowman elite
-bug fix

-destroying house bounty (house cost * 0.10)
-who get barbarian info

-first blood elites! (10 gold)
-black magic +1 cycle +2 radius
-towers faster stone (-2 sec)
-knights/scouts less number (-2/-1)

-bows/xbows works better
-defence militia count decreased by 2

-Barbarians!-kill bandit barbarian to capture him, will try to help your warriors
-better AI-bots syncing and defending
-militia slightly nerf
-towers stone cooldown decreased

-place market plan to open house list/30sec
-passage fog
-passages bandits try to keep their place
-more knights from pig farm
-militia cooldown increased less each new house
-axeman cooldown increased
-bug fixes

-passages bounties- 5/10 gold to get every day
-tower info /guardians count/cooldown
-tannery cooldown increased
-milita cooldown slightly increasing with every new militia house
-milita number growing for every 4 milita houses
-anti-horse houses cooldown reduced
-milita 6 sasug give 5 milita
-Spam - enable towers delivery will constant enable in all not-mounted houses
-income reduction balance
-bug fixes

-war cost - every 7 days you have to pay cost of war and your income is reduced by 30%
-day counter
-random tips
-mountains passages are open
-12 max elite
-bug fixes

-hunger of all warriors increased
-xbow do more dmg to towers
-rescue magic once per game
-defense units have lower hunger
-all houses cooldowns increased
-axeman cooldown increased

-smarter warriors
-warriors will try to walk same line with their home
-ai performence improve
-bug fixes

-militia cooldown decreasd by 2 sec
-range units sometimes hit huge dmg to tower
-balance things
-prices increased so bounty counts less
-tower guards 180 cooldown
-tower regen reduced from 8 to 6

-house sell give back 80%
-tower rework, faster hp regen, now its a tank
-aoe strike range+1
-scount income raised from 11 to 20
-enable repair & delivery to release all type
-milita rework
-balance things

-vinefield to aoe rescue strike
-prices and income raised by 15%
-enable repair and delivery to send all
-removing idle occupant
-towers guards
-reduced stone cooldown
- elite grouping
-elite bounty decreased from 2.0 to 1.7

- House prices changed
- militias bounty 1 gold, leather-3gold, iron-4 gold.
- improved ai building

Script by Random Lyrics / Randziu
Map by dicsoupcan



Date Version Stats Actions
2021-05-19 52 Download (for r11222+)