Map: Groans of death

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Type Building map
Players 2
Size 160 × 100 (M)
Date uploaded 2021-10-14 by thunder
Total downloads 47
Short description


Castle stood, now a heap of stones
Happiness and joy fluttered,
Groans of death, weeping
Now sound in their place.
And Ah! Freedom does not bloom
From the blood of the dead,
Torturous slavery's tears fall
From the burning eyes of the orphans!
Hymn - "From the rough centuries of the Hungarian people" (National Anthem of Hungary)
1823,Ferenc Klcsey

Vr llott, most khalom;
Kedv s rm rpkedtek,
Hallhrgs, siralom
Zajlik mr helyettek.
S ah, szabadsg nem virl
A holtnak vrbl,
Knz rabsg knnye hull
rvnk h szembl!
Himnusz, rszlet
1823, Klcsey Ferenc



Date Version Stats Actions
2021-10-14 47 Download (for r6720+)