Map: Project Schizophrenia

Download latest version (for r15122+)

Basic info

Type Building map
Players 4
Size 256 × 256 (XXL)
Date uploaded 2023-08-21 by vovets1
Total downloads 83
Short description


What can possibly go wrong if 35pt player creates a map for 120 pt?

Version 1.03

Idea - vovets1

Map drawing - vovets1

Streams while drawing - vovets1

So large locations - vovets1

"Super empty" battlefield - vovets1

Far forest on loc2 - vovets1

Disgusting iron mountain on loc3 - vovets1

Small stone mountains on loc4 - vovets1

Too much resources to mine - vovets1

Low amount of objects on the eastern battlefield - vovets1

The man who locked up wolves in a cage - vovets1

The man who released wolves near your storehouse - vovets1

Magic Arena reference - vovets1

vovets1 - vovets1

Unit of shit - Scout



Date Version Stats Actions
2024-12-06 15 Download (for r15122+)
2024-08-18 24 Download (for r15122+)
2023-08-21 44 Download (for r15122+)