Map: Return to Moorbach

Download latest version (for r15472+)

Basic info

Type Building map
MP Coop
Author Strangelove
Players 2
Size 160 × 224 (XL)
Date uploaded 2021-05-19 by Strangelove
Total downloads 153
Short description Coop Mission by Strangelove


After the great battle for Moorbach, where the Baron of Lauenburg and the Seneshall of King Karolus emerged victorious, two loyal nobles were appointed to reestablish peace and order in the province, as well as gather much-needed supplies for the war against the treacherous prince.
Little had we known, that hidden beneath the mountains and swamps, more forces were lingering and preparing a vicious strike against the recovering kingdom. It is now up to you, the two lords of the province, to raise an army and defeat the despicable traitors once and for all!

Story by VatrixGLHF, Phyrian, Siegfried89 and Strangelove



Date Version Stats Actions
2025-03-19 Version 0.9.0 (19.03.2025) 12 Download (for r15472+)
2023-04-06 Version 0.8.5b (06.04.2023) 83 Download (for r15122+)
2021-10-08 Version 0.8.5 (08.10.2021) 50 Download (for r12945+)
2021-09-18 Version 0.8.4e (25.06.2021) 3 Download (for r12945+)
2021-09-18 Version 0.8.4d (10.05.2021) 2 Download (for r12485+)
2021-05-19 Version 0.8.4c (01.04.2021) 3 Download (for r12485+)