Map: RulingStones

Download latest version (for r14770+)

Basic info

Type Building map
Author Martinus
Players 1
Size 256 × 256 (XXL)
Date uploaded 2022-06-02 by Martinus
Total downloads 213
Short description It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum! But I'm all out of gum... and because it's not invented yet!


Only one can rule in this world, the others must fall! The journey will be long, but worthy to the challenge! Show them no mercy!

/I wanted this map to work with the advanced ai in r14423 (originally the map designed for the advanced ai), but sadly it crashed the game :( /
/Original name and story has changed.../



Date Version Stats Actions
2022-06-02 1.1 Extreme Violence 213 Download (for r14770+)