Map: Sea Battle

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Basic info

Type Building map
MP Special
Players 2
Size 96 × 48 (S)
Date uploaded 2021-05-19
Total downloads 26
Short description


Classic sea battle. Now in KaM too :D

Enter /help command into chat to get more info

You can place your ships horizontally or vertically. Place field plan (left to right) or vinefield plan (top down).

You can place your ships randomly. Use Marketplace plan or /random command.

Place Barracks plan or use /ready to get ready.

To attack enemy ships, place road plan.

To start a new game, place Watchtower plan or enter /new.

Place Storehouse plan or use /clear or /undo 10 to cancel all ships placement.

Place Schoolhouse plan or use /undo 1 to undo ships placement one step backwards.

Use /gameformat command to set game format. Just set needed victorious rounds count. For example, command /gameformat 2 will set best of 3 game format



Date Version Stats Actions
2021-05-19 26 Download (for r11222+)