Map: Sea Scoundrels

Download latest version (for r15122+)

Basic info

Type Building map
Players 1
Size 172 × 164 (L)
Date uploaded 2024-12-09 by KaMrat
Total downloads 55
Short description A Mission by KaMrat


Venigaz is an island rich in gold, which is efficiently extracted by the people of the continent and sent there, immediately after extraction and smelting. Due to the island's value and importance, well-equipped armies are stationed there. However, they will cannot oppose our strength, because now our time has come - the time of the Bonar's pirates!

Made by KaMrat



Date Version Stats Actions
2024-12-13 1.0 Beta: Little bugfixes 32 Download (for r15122+)
2024-12-09 23 Download (for r15122+)