Map: StonoBordo

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Type Building map
Author Martinus
Players 1
Size 128 × 240 (L)
Date uploaded 2022-05-03 by Martinus
Total downloads 115
Short description Stone Border of the giants


Long, long, even longer time ago, two greatly gigantic giant fight a ruthless and bloody battle with each other. Every giant had their own religious human believers on their side to support them. Humans faith was important to them, beacuse this was the main source of their strength and mightyness. When one of the giant fell in the great battle, the other giant inprisoned the fallen ones believers as punishment, and left them to live among rocks and stones like hermits. Years after years, the giants era have ended, and slowly dived deep in history. But myths and legends survived through the years, that leads you to this place where one of these historical stories speaks about, which incentive you, to get evidences about their truthness. There you can found suspicious clues, like the Feetsole lake, and the Armhand mountains. But the most suspicious things are whispers. Whispers that comes from the rocks, the ground, the air, says: "... free us!..." One night, you see a surreal dream about some people whose skin made of stones, and they started to speak to you: "Free us from our prison, you MUST find a way to break our cursed shackles! If you do this, we will be your loyal ally forever." The next day the relentless Inquisition arrived, who wants to delete once and for all the myths and legends of the giants. They do not tolerate any kind of differences from their religion, and there is not a single word about giants in their holy scriptorium. They punish with slow death those who are not believe in their holy scriptorium and their only and single god! They decieded in their blind faith to punish you, so you have to fight with them, but you cannot stand against them... alone...



Date Version Stats Actions
2022-05-06 5.44 112 Download (for r14423+)
2022-05-03 5.0 3 Download (for r14423+)