Map: The Battle of Akon

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Type Building map
MP Coop
Author Crousti_Saucisse
Players 2
Size 192 × 192 (XL)
Date uploaded 2024-09-30 by Crousti_Saucisse
Total downloads 28
Short description


The First Battle of Akon
In the year 498, an immense Saracen army, led by King Tariq al-Malik, marched upon the fortified city of Akon. The Frankish coalition, headed by Charibert II, King of Akon, and his brother Arnulf von Nordlingen, Prince of the northern provinces of Italy, united to protect the city from the invaders. The battle took place in the vast sand valley, where the Franks, aided by allied forces, delivered a crushing blow to the Saracen army. Tariq al-Malik perished in this fierce confrontation, marking a turning point in the ongoing struggle for control of the region.
Current Situation
The year is now 503. Malik al-Kadir, King of Mali and uncle of Tariq, has reignited the flames of war. He launches a renewed invasion of Akon, determined to avenge his cousin and conquer the lands once and for all. You, as the Byzantines and Vikings, have been summoned by Charibert II to aid in the defense of the kingdom. Having forged strong alliances, your mission is to hold the line against the Saracen forces and prevent the fall of Akon. Choose your strategies wisely, as your actions will determine the fate of the kingdom.

Imperial Edict from His Majesty Alexios II, Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire, to the Brave Soldiers of Byzantium
To my loyal soldiers, defenders of the Empire and protectors of its honor,
Word has reached us of a new threat rising in the west. The city of Akon, our stronghold and ally, stands once again under siege. Malik al-Kadir, uncle of the fallen Tariq al-Malik, has rallied the Saracen forces with a thirst for revenge and domination. He seeks to wipe away the memory of his cousin's defeat and bring the lands of Akon under his banner.
I, Alexios II, son of Basileus III, call upon you now, brave men of Byzantium. Your courage and skill will once again be tested as you march towards Akon to defend its walls and protect our alliance with King Charibert II. You are not just soldiers; you are the shield of our Empire, the sword that will cut through the darkness of our enemies.
Hold steadfast in the face of adversity. The honor of Byzantium depends on your valor, and the eyes of the entire Empire are upon you. Remember that your actions will echo through history, and your bravery will secure the future of our Empire in the West.
Go forth, with the blessing of the Empire, and bring victory to Byzantium. Let Malik al-Kadir and his armies tremble at the sight of our banners, and let the city of Akon remain free under the protection of the Emperor’s will.
By my word and the will of the heavens, victory shall be ours.
Alexios II, Emperor of Byzantium, Defender of the Faith, Protector of the West

This map uses Andreus's no need to eat script and improved IA by Strangelove



Date Version Stats Actions
2024-09-30 Tavern release, First version 28 Download (for r15122+)