Map: The Maze

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Basic info

Type Fighting map
MP Special
Players 4
Size 160 × 160 (L)
Date uploaded 2021-05-19
Total downloads 23
Short description


Survive in this maze and complete all tasks in time. Time is limited: you have 2 hours only!

There are some bonuses that will help you:
-Autofeed every 15 minutes for all units
-Small reinforcements for human players every 7,5 minutes
-Teleport for your troops to help allies if they need help
-Achievements that will give you bonus troops
-Points that will give certain bonuses
-Secret tiles: find 5, 15, 25 tiles and get bonus groups

Good luck!

For more information see Readme in mission folder

Made by andreus.



Date Version Stats Actions
2021-05-19 23 Download (for r11537+)